Feed Class

Used to represent an RSS feed/channel. Returns a list of entries and other attributes associated with the feed.


Feed( )

Public Methods

getTitle( ) returns String
setTitle( String title ) returns void
getDescription( ) returns String
setDescription( String description ) returns void
getLink( ) returns java.net.URL
setLink( java.net.URL link ) returns void
getLocation( ) returns Location
Returns location information associated with the current feed (e.g. GeoRSS element).
getLastUpdate( ) returns java.util.Date
setLastUpdate( java.util.Date date ) returns void
getItems( ) returns Item[]
Returns a list of items found in an RSS feed.
addItem( Item item ) returns void
Used to add an RSS item to the Feed.
getRefreshInterval( ) returns Integer
Returns the number of minutes that the channel can be cached before refreshing from the source. Derived from the ttl tag in RSS feeds. Returns null if the refresh interval is not specified or unknown.
setRefreshInterval( Integer interval ) returns void
toString( ) returns String
toXML( ) returns org.w3c.dom.Document
Returns an RSS/XML document for this Feed.