Item Class

Used to represent an entry in an RSS feed.


Item( )
Item( String title, link, java.util.Date date )

Public Methods

getTitle( ) returns String
setTitle( String title ) returns void
getDescription( ) returns String
setDescription( String description ) returns void
getAuthor( ) returns String
setAuthor( String author ) returns void
getCategory( ) returns String
setCategory( String category ) returns void
getLink( ) returns
Returns a link/url associated with the current entry. Returns the 'feedburner:origLink' if found. Otherwise returns a url associated with the 'link' node.
setLink( url ) returns void
getDate( ) returns java.util.Date
Return the date/time stamp associated with the current entry. Uses the pubDate if it exists. Otherwise, returns dc:date
setDate( java.util.Date date ) returns void
addMedia( Media media ) returns void
getMedia( ) returns Media[]
Returns an array of media items associated with the current entry.
getLocation( ) returns Location
Returns location information associated with the current entry (e.g. GeoRSS element).
setLocation( Location location ) returns void
toString( ) returns String