Record Class

Used to store an ordered list of key value pairs.


Record( )

Public Methods

get( String key ) returns Value
Returns the value associated with a key.
set( String key, Object value ) returns void
Used to set the value for a given key.
has( String key ) returns boolean
Returns true if a key exists.
remove( String key ) returns Value
Removes a key and its value, if present. Returns the value that was associated with the key, or null if there was no value.
clear( ) returns void
Removes all key/value pairs from the record.
isNull( String key ) returns boolean
Returns true if there is no value associated with the key.
isEmpty( ) returns boolean
Returns true if there are no entries in the Record.
keySet( ) returns java.util.Set<String>
Returns all the keys in this Record. Note that modifying the keySet will also modify the record. Use with caution.
entrySet( ) returns java.util.Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>>
Returns all the values in this Record. Note that modifying the entrySet will also modify the record. Use with caution.
length( ) returns int
Returns the number of keys in the record.
equals( Object obj ) returns boolean
Returns true if the given object is a Record and the Record has the same key/value pairs as this class. Note that the order of the key/value pairs is not important.