BarGraph Class

Used to create a simple bar graph.


BarGraph( parent, config )
Used to instantiate this class
parentDOM element in which to render this component
configConfiguration settings (optional). See config options for more information.

Config Options



onClick( val, idx, div )
Called whenever a bar in the graph is clicked.
onCellClick( idx, cell )
Called whenever a cell in the graph is clicked.

Public Methods

show( )
hide( )
add( value, label )
Used to add a value to the graph. Label is optional.
setValue( idx, value )
update( callback )
clear( saveColumns )
getCell( idx )
Returns a cell in the bargraph at a given index
select( idx )
Used to "select" a bar in the graph by adding the select style to the bar.
deselect( idx )
Used to "deselect" a bar in the graph by removing the select style from the bar.
selectAll( )
Used to "select" all the bars in the graph by adding the select style to the bars.
deselectAll( )
Used to "deselect" all the bars in the graph by removing the select style from all the bars.
getSelectedItems( )
Returns an array of selected items. Each item in the array includes the index, value, and cell
createLabel( val, idx, max, div )
Default implementation. Users can override.
getValues( )