CSV Class

Provides static methods used to parse tabular data stored in plain text where records (aka rows) are separated with a line break and columns are delimited with a character (comma, tab, pipe, etc). CSV files is an example of such tabular data which uses commas to separate values in a row.

Here's an example of how to parse a CSV file using the static methods found in this class:

    javaxt.io.File csvFile = new javaxt.io.File("/temp/employees.csv");
    try (java.io.BufferedReader is = csvFile.getBufferedReader("UTF-8")){

      //Read header
        String header = CSV.readLine(is);

      //Remove the Byte Order Mark (BOM) if there is one
        int bom = CSV.getByteOrderMark(header);
        if (bom>-1) header = header.substring(bom);

      //Parse header
        ArrayList<String> headers = new ArrayList<>();
        for (javaxt.utils.Value col : CSV.getColumns(header, ",")){

      //Read rows
        String row;
        while (!(row=CSV.readLine(is)).isEmpty()){

          //Parse row
            CSV.Columns columns = CSV.getColumns(row, ",");
            for (int i=0; i<columns.length(); i++){
                String colName = headers.get(i);
                String colValue = columns.get(i).toString();
                System.out.println(colName + ": " + colValue);




There are no public constructors.



Static Methods

getColumns( String row, String delimiter ) returns Columns
Returns column values for a given row
readLine( String data ) returns String
Returns a substring for the given data, ending at the first line break that is not inside a quote
readLine( java.io.InputStream is ) returns String
Returns a row of data from an InputStream. This method will read characters one at a time until it reaches a line break that is not inside a double quote. Depending on the source of the InputStream, this method may be significantly slower than the other readLine() method that uses a BufferedReader. Example usage:

      //Create an input stream
        java.io.InputStream is = ...

      //Read header
        String header = CSV.readLine(is);
        int bom = CSV.getByteOrderMark(header);
        if (bom>-1) header = header.substring(bom);

      //Read rows
        String row;
        while (!(row=CSV.readLine(is)).isEmpty()){
readLine( java.io.BufferedReader reader ) returns String
Returns a row of data from a BufferedReader. Unlike the BufferedReader readLine() method, this method will not stop at line breaks inside a double quote. Note that a BufferedReader is significantly faster than an InputStream when reading files. Example usage:

      //Open input stream from an javaxt.io.File
        try (java.io.BufferedReader is = file.getBufferedReader("UTF-8")){

          //Read header
            String header = CSV.readLine(is);
            int bom = CSV.getByteOrderMark(header);
            if (bom>-1) header = header.substring(bom);

          //Read rows
            String row;
            while (!(row=CSV.readLine(is)).isEmpty()){

getByteOrderMark( String str ) returns int
Returns end position of the Byte Order Mark (BOM). Example usage:
        int bom = CSV.getByteOrderMark(header);
        if (bom>-1) header = header.substring(bom);     
startsWithByteOrderMark( String str ) returns boolean
Returns true if the given string starts with a Byte Order Mark (BOM)

Public Classes