Callout Class

Used to create simple tooltip/popup boxes with an arrow.


Callout( parent, config )
Used to instantiate this class
parentDOM element in which to render this component
configConfiguration settings (optional). See config options for more information.

Config Options

Style for individual elements within the component. Note that you can provide CSS class names instead of individual style definitions.


onShow( )
Called whenever the callout is made visible.
onHide( )
Called whenever the callout is hidden.

Public Methods

getInnerDiv( )
Returns the content div inside the callout that can be populated with text, html, menu buttons, etc.
getSize( )
Returns the width and height of the callout.
show( )
Used to render the callout.
showAt( x, y, position, align )
Used to render the callout at a specific coordinate. The tip of the arrow associated with the callout will appear at the given coordinate.
positionWhere to place the callout box relative to the given coordinate. Options include left, right, above, and below.
alignOptions include left, right, center if the "position" is above or below. Otherwise, options are top, bottom, or middle.
hide( )
Used to hide the callout.
isVisible( )
Returns true of the callout is visible.