Entry Class

Used to represent an entry in a jar/war file. The jar file might be zipped or unpacked by a web server.


There are no public constructors.

Public Methods

getName( ) returns String
getDate( ) returns java.util.Date
checksum( ) returns long
Returns a long value representing a cyclic redundancy check (CRC-32 checksum) of the uncompressed entry data, or -1 if not known.
getFile( ) returns java.io.File
getSize( ) returns long
getBytes( ) returns byte[]
extractFile( java.io.File destination ) returns void
Used to extract the zip entry to a file.
setText( String text ) returns void
getText( ) returns String
Used to extract the contents to a string.
getText( String charsetName ) returns String
Used to extract the contents to a string. Returns null if the extraction failed.
charsetNameName of the character encoding used to read the file. Examples include UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1
toString( ) returns String