FolderItem Class

Represents an item in a folder. This is a base class for contacts, calendar events, etc.


There are no public constructors.

Public Methods

hashCode( ) returns int
Returns a hashCode associated with the item ID, or 0 if it is null.
getID( ) returns String
Used to get the unique id associated with this item.
getParentFolderID( ) returns String
Returns the unique id of the item's folder.
getLastModifiedTime( ) returns javaxt.utils.Date
Returns the timestamp for when this item was last modified. Note that timestamp is set in the constructor and may not reflect the most recent value.
setLastModifiedTime( javaxt.utils.Date lastModified ) returns void
getChangeKey( ) returns String
Used to retrieve the ChangeKey for this item. Note that the ChangeKey is set in the constructor and may not reflect the most recent value.
getCategories( ) returns String[]
Returns a list of categories associated with this item. Returns null if no categories are found.
hasAttachments( ) returns boolean
Returns a boolean used to indicate whether this item has attachments.
getAttachments( ) returns Attachment[]
Returns an array of attachments associated with this item. Returns null if there are no attachments.
removeAttachment( Attachment attachment ) returns void
addAttachment( Attachment attachment ) returns void
setCategories( String[] categories ) returns void
Used to define categories for this item.
setCategory( String category ) returns void
addCategory( String category ) returns void
Used to add a category to this item.
removeCategory( String category ) returns void
Used to remove a category associated with this item.
removeCategories( ) returns void
Used to remove all categories associated with this item.
getExtendedProperty( String name ) returns Value
Returns the value of an Extended Property.
nameThe name of the ExtendedFieldURI associated with the ExtendedProperty
getExtendedProperties( ) returns java.util.HashMap<ExtendedFieldURI, Value>
Returns a hashamp of ExtendedProperties associated with this item, or null if there are no ExtendedProperties.
setExtendedProperty( ExtendedFieldURI property, Object value ) returns void
Used to add or update an ExtendedProperty associated with this item.
removeExtendedProperty( ExtendedFieldURI property ) returns void
Used to remove a specific ExtendedProperty associated with this item.
removeExtendedProperties( ) returns void
Removes all ExtendedProperties associated with this item.

Static Methods

getNameSpace( String fieldName, String itemName ) returns String
Returns the namespace associated with a given field. This is critical when updating items.