Response Class

Used to process the response from an HTTP server.


There are no public constructors.

Public Methods

getURL( ) returns
Returns the url used to connect to the server. Note that this URL may differ from the one used to instantiate the Request object. This only occurs when the server returns a redirect code and the maximum number of redirects is greater than 0. See Request.setNumRedirects().
getHeaders( ) returns java.util.Map<String, java.util.List<String>>
Returns key/value map representing all the HTTP headers returned from the server.
getHeaders( String headerName ) returns String[]
Returns an array of values associated with a given key found in the HTTP headers returned from the server.
getHeader( String headerName ) returns String
Returns the value of a given key in the HTTP header. Returns null if the header is not found in the response.
headerNameA String specifying the header name (e.g. "Content-Encoding")
getStatus( ) returns int
Returns the HTTP status code extracted from the first line in the response header. If the client fails to connect to the server, a value of -1 is returned.
getMessage( ) returns String
Returns the status message found in the first line in the response header.
getCharacterEncoding( ) returns String
Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this response as specified in the "Content-Type" header. For example, the following "Content-Type" header specifies "UTF-8" character encoding:
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
This method returns a null if the response does not specify a character encoding.
getInputStream( ) returns InputStream
Returns the body of the http response as an input stream. No distinction is made between "normal" responses (e.g. status code 200) and error responses (e.g. 404).

Sample Usage: inputStream = response.getInputStream();
        byte[] b = new byte[1024];
        int x=0;
        while ( (x = != -1) {
            //Do something! Example: outputStream.write(b,0,x);
getText( ) returns String
Used read through the entire response stream and cast it to a string. The string is encoded using the character set specified in the "Content-Type" header as returned by the getCharacterEncoding() method. Defaults to "UTF-8" if no character set is defined.
getText( String charsetName ) returns String
Used read through the entire response stream and cast it to a string. WARNING: This method will never throw an error.
charsetNameName of the character encoding used to read the file. Examples include UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1
getJSONObject( ) returns javaxt.json.JSONObject
Used read through the entire response stream and returns a JSON object
getJSONArray( ) returns javaxt.json.JSONArray
Used read through the entire response stream and returns a JSON array
getXML( ) returns org.w3c.dom.Document
Used read through the entire response stream and converts it to an xml DOM document.
getImage( ) returns
Used read through the entire response stream and returns an Image.
getBytes( ) returns ByteArrayOutputStream
Used read through the entire response stream and returns a raw byte array (ByteArrayOutputStream). Note that this method does not automatically decompress the response if the data is compressed. Use the Response.getBytes(true) method to automatically decompress the response.
getBytes( boolean deflate ) returns ByteArrayOutputStream
Used read through the entire response stream and returns a byte array ByteArrayOutputStream.
deflateOption to decompress a gzip encoded response.
toString( ) returns String
Returns the raw response headers returned from the server. Use the getText() method to get response body as a String.