WSDL ClassUsed to parse a WSDL return information about the web services documented in the WSDL including service name and description, web methods, and input parameters.
javaxt.webservices.WSDL wsdl = new javaxt.webservices.WSDL(url); for (javaxt.webservices.Service service : wsdl.getServices()){ System.out.println(service.getName()); for (javaxt.webservices.Method method : service.getMethods()){ System.out.println(" - " + method.getName()); javaxt.webservices.Parameters parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters!=null){ for (javaxt.webservices.Parameter parameter : parameters.getArray()){ System.out.println(" * " + parameter.getName()); } } } } ConstructorsPublic MethodsgetSSD( ) returns Document Returns a Simple Service Description (SSD) - an xml document which outlines all the web methods and input parameters defined in the WSDL. This document is significantly easier to parse and understand than the original WSDL. toString( ) returns String Returns a string representing an XML document containing a Simple Service Description (SSD). Please see the getSSD() for more information. addSchema( Document xsd, boolean followImports ) returns void Used to add an external XSD.
addSchema( Document[] xsd, boolean followImports ) returns void Used to add multiple external XSDs.