Recordset Class

package javaxt.sql;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.UUID;

//**  Recordset Class
 *   Used to query and update records in a database.

public class Recordset implements AutoCloseable {

    private java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;
    private java.sql.Statement stmt = null;
    private int x;
    private int n;
    private boolean isReadOnly = true;
    private String sqlString = null;

    private Connection connection = null;
    private Driver driver = null;
    private boolean autoCommit = true;

    private Value GeneratedKey;

    private ArrayList keys = new ArrayList();

    * Returns a value that describes if the Recordset object is open, closed,
    * connecting, executing or retrieving data
    private int State = 0;

    * Returns true if the current record position is after the last record,
    * otherwise false.
    public boolean EOF = false;

    * Current record in the Recordset
    private javaxt.sql.Record record;

    * An array of tables found in the database
    private Table[] Tables = null;

    private Integer maxRecords = null;
    private Integer fetchSize = null;
    private int numBatches=0;
    private int batchSize=1;
    private HashMap<String, java.sql.PreparedStatement> batchedStatements;

    private long queryResponseTime, ellapsedTime, metadataQueryTime;
    private long startTime, endTime;

    private String queryID;
    private static AtomicBoolean shuttingDown = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private static final Thread shutdownHook = getShutdownHook();
    private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Recordset> queries =
    new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private static final AtomicLong openStatements = new AtomicLong(0);
    private static final AtomicLong openRecordsets = new AtomicLong(0);
    private static final AtomicLong openCalls = new AtomicLong(0);
    private static final AtomicLong closeCalls = new AtomicLong(0);
    private static boolean debugClose = false;

  //** Constructor
  /** Creates a new instance of this class.
    public Recordset(){
        if (shuttingDown.get()) throw new IllegalStateException("JVM shutting down");

  //** getShutdownHook
  /** Adds a listener to the jvm to watch for shutdown events.
    private static Thread getShutdownHook(){
        Thread shutdownHook = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                    java.util.Iterator<String> it = queries.keySet().iterator();
                    while (it.hasNext()){
                        Recordset rs = queries.get(;
                        java.sql.Statement stmt = rs.stmt;
                        if (stmt!=null){
                            try{stmt.cancel();} catch(Exception e){}
                            try{stmt.close();} catch(Exception e){}
        return shutdownHook;

  //** isOpen
  /** Returns true if the recordset is open. This method is only supported on
   *  Java 1.6 or higher. Otherwise, the method will return false.
    public boolean isOpen(){
        if (State!=0) {
            //return !rs.isClosed();

            int javaVersion = javaxt.utils.Java.getVersion();
            if (javaVersion<6) return false;
                    return !((Boolean) rs.getClass().getMethod("isClosed").invoke(rs, null));
                catch(Exception e){
                    return false;
        else return false;

  //** isReadOnly
  /** Returns true if records are read-only.
    public boolean isReadOnly(){
        return isReadOnly;

  //** Open
  /** Used to execute a query and access records in the database. Records
   *  fetched using this method cannot be updated or deleted and new records
   *  cannot be inserted into the database.
   *  @param sql SQL Query. Example: "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE"
   *  @param conn An active connection to the database.
    public java.sql.ResultSet open(String sql, Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        return open(sql,conn,true);

  //** Open
  /** Used to execute a query and access records in the database.
   *  @param sqlString SQL Query. Example: "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE"
   *  @param connection An active connection to the database.
   *  @param ReadOnly Set whether the records are read-only. If true, records
   *  fetched using this method cannot be updated or deleted and new records
   *  cannot be inserted into the database. If false, records can be updated
   *  or deleted and new records can be inserted into the database.
    public java.sql.ResultSet open(String sqlString, Connection connection, boolean ReadOnly) throws SQLException {
        if (shuttingDown.get()) throw new IllegalStateException("JVM shutting down");
        if (connection==null) throw new SQLException("Connection is null.");
        if (connection.isClosed()) throw new SQLException("Connection is closed.");
        if (debugClose) openCalls.incrementAndGet();

        rs = null;
        stmt = null;
        State = 0;
        EOF = true;
        Tables = null;
        this.sqlString = sqlString;
        this.connection = connection;
        this.isReadOnly = ReadOnly;
        this.driver = connection.getDatabase().getDriver();
        if (driver==null) driver = new Driver("","","");

        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        queryResponseTime = ellapsedTime = metadataQueryTime = endTime = 0;

        java.sql.Connection Conn = connection.getConnection();
        autoCommit = Conn.getAutoCommit();
        queryID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            queries.put(queryID, this);

      //Read-Only Connection
        if (ReadOnly){


              //Set AutoCommit to false when fetchSize is specified.
              //Otherwise it will fetch back all the records at once
                if (fetchSize!=null){
                    catch(Exception e){}

              //DB2 and SQLite only support forward cursors
                if (driver.equals("DB2") || driver.equals("SQLite")){
                    stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, rs.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);

                else if (driver.equals("PostgreSQL")){
                    if (fetchSize!=null){
                        stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, rs.CONCUR_READ_ONLY, rs.FETCH_FORWARD);
                        stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, rs.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);


              //Default Connection
                        stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, rs.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
                    catch(SQLException e){
                        stmt = Conn.createStatement();
                if (debugClose) openStatements.incrementAndGet();

                if (fetchSize!=null) stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize);
                rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlString);
                if (debugClose) openRecordsets.incrementAndGet();
                State = 1;
            catch(SQLException e){
                //System.out.println("ERROR Open RecordSet: " + e.toString());
                throw e;

      //Read-Write Connection

            /* Note that we don't actually use the rs and stmt objects when
               inserting or updating records anymore. We can probably remove
               all this code and simply use the ReadOnly code block above.
               In read/write mode, it seems we only use the rs and stmt
               objects to get field metadata via the init() method.


              //SYBASE Connection
                if (driver.equals("SYBASE")){
                    if (fetchSize!=null) Conn.setAutoCommit(false);
                    stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,rs.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
                    if (fetchSize!=null) stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize);
                    rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlString);
                    State = 1;

              //SQLite Connection
                else if (driver.equals("SQLite")){
                    if (fetchSize!=null) Conn.setAutoCommit(false);
                    stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,rs.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); //xerial only seems to support this cursor
                    if (fetchSize!=null) stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize);
                    rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlString);
                    State = 1;

              //DB2 Connection
                else if (driver.equals("DB2")){
                        if (fetchSize!=null) Conn.setAutoCommit(false);
                        stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,rs.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
                        if (fetchSize!=null) stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize);
                        rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlString);
                        State = 1;
                    catch(Exception e){
                        //System.out.println("createStatement(rs.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,rs.CONCUR_UPDATABLE) Error:");
                        rs = null;
                    if (rs==null){
                            if (fetchSize!=null) Conn.setAutoCommit(false);
                            stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,rs.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
                            if (fetchSize!=null) stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize);
                            rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlString);
                            State = 1;
                        catch(Exception e){
                            //System.out.println("createStatement(rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,rs.CONCUR_UPDATABLE) Error:");


              //Default Connection
                    if (fetchSize!=null) Conn.setAutoCommit(false);
                    stmt = Conn.createStatement(rs.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,rs.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
                    if (fetchSize!=null) stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize);
                    rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlString);
                    stmt.execute(sqlString, java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                    rs = stmt.getResultSet();
                    State = 1;

                if (stmt!=null && debugClose) openStatements.incrementAndGet();
                if (rs!=null && debugClose) openRecordsets.incrementAndGet();

            catch(SQLException e){
                //System.out.println("ERROR Open RecordSet (RW): " + e.toString());
                throw e;


        endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        queryResponseTime = endTime-startTime;


        return rs;

  //** open
  /** Used to initialize a Recordset using a standard Java ResultSet
    public void open(java.sql.ResultSet resultSet){
        if (shuttingDown.get()) throw new IllegalStateException("JVM shutting down");
        if (debugClose) openCalls.incrementAndGet();
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        queryResponseTime = ellapsedTime = metadataQueryTime = endTime = 0;
        EOF = true;
        rs = resultSet;
        queryID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            queries.put(queryID, this);

  //** init
  /** Used to initialize fields
    private void init(){
        n = 0;

          //Create Fields
            java.sql.ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
            int cols = rsmd.getColumnCount();
            Field[] fields = new Field[cols];
            for (int i=1; i<=cols; i++) {
                fields[i-1] = new Field(i, rsmd);
            this.record = new javaxt.sql.Record(fields);
            rsmd = null;


            if (rs!=null){
                if ({

                    EOF = false;
                    for (int i=1; i<=cols; i++) {
                        fields[i-1].setValue(new Value(rs.getObject(i)));

              //Get Additional Metadata
                //long mStart = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                //RecordCount = getRecordCount();
                //long mEnd = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                //MetadataQueryTime = mEnd-mStart;
                metadataQueryTime = 0;

        catch(SQLException e){
            //throw e;

  //** close
  /** Closes the Recordset freeing up database and jdbc resources.
    public void close(){
        if (debugClose) closeCalls.incrementAndGet();

      //Close recordset
            if (State==1) executeBatch();
            if (!isReadOnly) commit();
            if (rs!=null){
                if (debugClose) openRecordsets.decrementAndGet();
            if (stmt!=null){

              //Some databases (e.g. PostgreSQL) will continue executing a long
              //query even after closing the recordset. The only way to stop
              //a long-running query is to cancel the statement. Note that
              //cancelling a statement in SQLite calls sqlite3_interrupt()
              //which causes issues when inserting, updating, or deleting
                if (driver.equals("PostgreSQL")){
                    try{ stmt.cancel(); }
                    catch(Exception e){}

                    if (debugClose) openStatements.decrementAndGet();
                catch(Exception e){
        catch(SQLException e){
            SQLException ex = e.getNextException();
            if (ex!=null) ex.printStackTrace();

      //Remove recordset from the list of queries

      //Reset autocommit
        catch(Exception e){

        State = 0;
        rs = null;
        stmt = null;
        driver = null;
        sqlString = null;

        record = null;

        endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        ellapsedTime = endTime-startTime;

        if (debugClose) javaxt.utils.Console.console.log(
        openRecordsets + " openRecordsets, " +
        openStatements + " openStatements, " +

  //** getDatabase
  /** Returns connection information to the database
    public Database getDatabase(){
        return this.connection.getDatabase();

  //** setFetchSize
  /** This method changes the block fetch size for server cursors. This may
   *  help avoid out of memory exceptions when retrieving a large number of
   *  records from the database. Set this method BEFORE opening the recordset.
    public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize){
        if (fetchSize>0) this.fetchSize = fetchSize;

    public Integer getFetchSize(){
        return fetchSize;

  //** setMaxRecords
  /** Sets the maximum number of records to process
    public void setMaxRecords(int maxRecords){
        if (maxRecords>0) this.maxRecords = maxRecords;

  //** getConnection
  /** Returns the database connection used to create/open the recordset.
    public Connection getConnection(){
        return connection;

  //** Commit
  /** Used to explicitly commit an sql statement. May be useful for bulk
   *  update and update statements, depending on the underlying DBMS.
    public void commit(){
        catch(Exception e){

    private boolean InsertOnUpdate = false;

  //** AddNew
  /** Used to prepare the driver to insert new records to the database. Used
   *  in conjunction with the update method.
    public void addNew(){
        if (State==1){
            InsertOnUpdate = true;

  //** Update
  /** Used to add or update a record in a table. Note that inserts can be
   *  batched using the setBatch() method to improve performance. When
   *  performing batch inserts, the update statements are queued and executed
   *  only after the batch size is reached.
    public void update() throws SQLException {
        if (isReadOnly) throw new SQLException("Read only!");
        if (State!=1) throw new SQLException("Recordset is closed!");
        if (!isDirty()) return;

      //Generate list of fields that require updates
        ArrayList<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Field field : record.fields){
            if (field.getName()!=null && field.isDirty()) fields.add(field);
        int numUpdates = fields.size();

      //Get table name
        Field f = record.getField(0);
        String tableName = f.getTableName();
        String schemaName = f.getSchema();

        if (tableName==null){
            tableName = f.getTableName();
            schemaName = f.getSchema();
            if (schemaName==null){
                schemaName = f.getSchema();
        //if (tableName.contains(" ")) tableName = "[" + tableName + "]";
        tableName = escape(tableName);
        schemaName = escape(schemaName);
        if (schemaName!=null) tableName = schemaName + "." + tableName;

      //Construct a SQL insert/update statement
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        if (InsertOnUpdate){
            sql.append("INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (");
            for (int i=0; i<numUpdates; i++){
                String colName = escape(fields.get(i).getName());
                if (numUpdates>1 && i<numUpdates-1){
            sql.append(") VALUES (");
            for (int i=0; i<numUpdates; i++){
                if (i>0) sql.append(",");
            sql.append("UPDATE " + tableName + " SET ");
            for (int i=0; i<numUpdates; i++){
                String colName = escape(fields.get(i).getName());
                if (numUpdates>1 && i<numUpdates-1){
                    sql.append(", ");

          //Find primary key for the table. This slows things down
          //quite a bit but we need it for the "where" clause.
            if (keys.isEmpty()){

                    Table table = f.getT();
                    if (table==null){
                        table = f.getT();

                    Key[] arr = table.getPrimaryKeys();
                    if (arr!=null){
                        for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
                            Key key = arr[i];
                            Field field = getField(key.getColumn());
                            if (field!=null) keys.add(field);
                catch(Exception e){

          //Build the where clause
            if (!keys.isEmpty()){
                sql.append(" WHERE ");
                for (int i=0; i<keys.size(); i++){
                    Object key = keys.get(i);
                    Field field;
                    if (key instanceof String){
                        field = getField((String) key);
                        keys.set(i, field);
                        field = (Field) key;
                    if (i>0) sql.append(" AND ");
                    String colName = escape(field.getName());
                    sql.append(colName); sql.append("=?");

              //Since we don't have any keys, use the original where clause
                String where = new Parser(this.sqlString).getWhereString();
                if (where!=null){
                    sql.append(" WHERE "); sql.append(where);

              //Find how many records will be affected by this update
                int numRecords;
                try (java.sql.ResultSet r2 = stmt.executeQuery(
                    "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + tableName + (where==null? "" : " WHERE " + where))){
                        numRecords = r2.getInt(1);
                    catch(Exception e){
                            r2.first(); //SQLServer needs this!
                            numRecords = r2.getInt(1);
                        catch(Exception ex){
                            numRecords = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

              //Warn user that there might be a problem with the update
                if (numRecords>1){
                    StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
                    msg.append("WARNING: Updating " + tableName + " table without a unique key.\r\n");
                    msg.append("Multiple rows may be affected with this update.\r\n");
                    try{ int x = 1/0; } catch(Exception e){
               bas = new;
               s = new, true);
                        boolean append = false;
                        for (String line : bas.toString().split("\n")){
                            if (append){
                            if (!append && line.contains(this.getClass().getCanonicalName())) append = true;

      //Get prepared statement
        java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt;
        java.sql.Connection conn = connection.getConnection();
        if (batchSize>1){
            if (batchedStatements==null) batchedStatements = new java.util.HashMap<>();
            stmt = batchedStatements.get(sql.toString());
            if (stmt==null){
                stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString());
                batchedStatements.put(sql.toString(), stmt);
                if (keys==null || keys.isEmpty()){
                    stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                    String[] columnNames = new String[keys.size()];
                    for (int i=0; i<columnNames.length; i++){
                        columnNames[i] = keys.get(i).toString();
                    stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), columnNames);
            catch(Exception e){ //not all databases support auto generated keys
                stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString());

      //Set values using a prepared statement
        update(stmt, fields);

        if (batchSize==1){

                if (InsertOnUpdate){
                    try (java.sql.ResultSet generatedKeys = stmt.getGeneratedKeys()) {
                        if ( {
                            this.GeneratedKey = new Value(generatedKeys.getString(1));
                    catch(Exception e){
                        //not all databases support auto generated keys

            catch(SQLException e){
                try{stmt.close();}catch(Exception ex){}

                StringBuilder err = new StringBuilder();
                err.append("Error executing update:\n");
                //err.append("\n  Values:\n");
                for (int i=0; i<fields.size(); i++) {
                    if (i>0) err.append("\n");
                    Field field = fields.get(i);
                    err.append("  - " + field.getName() + ": ");
                    String val = field.getValue().toString();
                    if (val!=null && val.length()>100) val = val.substring(0, 100) + "...";

                e.setNextException(new SQLException(err.toString()));
                throw e;

            if (InsertOnUpdate) InsertOnUpdate = false;


            if (numBatches==batchSize){

  //** update
  /** Used to set values in a PreparedStatement for inserting or updating
   *  records.
    protected static void update(java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt, ArrayList<Field> fields) throws SQLException {

        try{ stmt.clearParameters(); }
        catch(Exception e){}

        int id = 1;
        for (int i=0; i<fields.size(); i++) {

            Field field = fields.get(i);
            String FieldType = field.getClassName().toLowerCase();
            if (FieldType.contains(".")) FieldType = FieldType.substring(FieldType.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
            Value FieldValue = field.getValue();

          //Special case for SQL Functions
            if (FieldValue.toObject() instanceof Function){
                Function function = (Function) FieldValue.toObject();
                if (function.hasValues()){
                    for (Object obj : function.getValues()){
                        stmt.setObject(id, obj);
                    //Do nothing!
                continue; //Prevent the id from incrementing

            if (FieldType.indexOf("string") >= 0)
            stmt.setString(id, FieldValue.toString());

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("int")>=0){
                Integer val = FieldValue.toInteger();
                if (val==null) stmt.setNull(id, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
                else stmt.setInt(id, val);

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("short")>=0){
                Short val = FieldValue.toShort();
                if (val==null) stmt.setNull(id, java.sql.Types.SMALLINT);
                else stmt.setShort(id, val);

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("long")>=0){
                Long val = FieldValue.toLong();
                if (val==null) stmt.setNull(id, java.sql.Types.BIGINT);
                else stmt.setLong(id, val);

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("double")>=0){
                Double val = FieldValue.toDouble();
                if (val==null) stmt.setNull(id, java.sql.Types.DOUBLE);
                else stmt.setDouble(id, val);

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("float")>=0){
                Float val = FieldValue.toFloat();
                if (val==null) stmt.setNull(id, java.sql.Types.FLOAT);
                else stmt.setFloat(id, val);

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("bool")>=0){
                Boolean val = FieldValue.toBoolean();
                if (val==null) stmt.setNull(id, java.sql.Types.BIT);
                else stmt.setBoolean(id, val);

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("decimal")>=0)
            stmt.setBigDecimal(id, FieldValue.toBigDecimal());

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("timestamp")>=0)
            stmt.setTimestamp(id, FieldValue.toTimeStamp());

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("date")>=0){
                javaxt.utils.Date d = FieldValue.toDate();
                if (d==null) stmt.setNull(id, java.sql.Types.DATE);
                else stmt.setDate(id, new java.sql.Date(d.getTime()));

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("object")>=0)
            stmt.setObject(id, FieldValue.toObject());

            else if (FieldType.indexOf("map")>=0) //PostgreSQL HStore
            stmt.setObject(id, FieldValue.toString(), java.sql.Types.OTHER);

                //System.out.println(i + " " + field.getName() + " " + FieldType);
                stmt.setObject(id, FieldValue.toObject());


  //** escape
    private String escape(String colName){
        if (colName==null) return null;
        String[] keywords = Database.getReservedKeywords(connection);
        colName = colName.trim();
        if (colName.contains(" ") && !colName.startsWith("[")){
            colName = "[" + colName + "]";
        for (String keyWord : keywords){
            if (colName.equalsIgnoreCase(keyWord)){
                colName = "\"" + colName + "\"";
        return colName;

  //** getQ
  /** Returns an SQL fragment used to generate prepared statements. Typically,
   *  this method simply returns a "?". However, if the value for the field
   *  contains a function, or contains a spatial data type, additional
   *  processing is required to generate a valid SQL statement. Note that
   *  this method will update the Class and Value attributes for the Field
   *  if the field value is a Geometry type.
    private String getQ(Field field){

        if (field==null || field.getValue().isNull()) return "?";

      //Find out what kind of data we're dealing with
        Object value = field.getValue().toObject();

      //Special case for SQL Functions
        if (value instanceof Function){
            Function function = (Function) value;
            return function.getFunction();

      //Special case for geometry types
        java.lang.Package _package = value.getClass().getPackage();
        String packageName = _package==null ? "" : _package.getName();
        if (packageName.startsWith("javaxt.geospatial.geometry")){
            String STGeomFromText = getSTGeomFromText(field, connection);
            field.setValue(new Value(value.toString()));
            return STGeomFromText + "(?,4326)";
        else if (packageName.startsWith("com.vividsolutions.jts.geom") ||
            String STGeomFromText = getSTGeomFromText(field, connection);
            field.setValue(new Value(value.toString()));
            int srid = 4326; //getSRID();
                java.lang.reflect.Method method = value.getClass().getMethod("getSRID");
                if (method!=null){
                    Object obj = method.invoke(value, null);
                    if (obj!=null){
                        srid = (Integer) obj;
                        if (srid==0) srid = 4326;
            catch(Exception e){
            return STGeomFromText + "(?," + srid + ")";

        return "?";

  //** getSTGeomFromText
  /** Returns a vendor-specific STGeomFromText fragment for inserting/updating
   *  geometry data.
    protected static String getSTGeomFromText(Field field, Connection conn){
        javaxt.sql.Driver driver = conn.getDatabase().getDriver();
        if (driver.equals("SQLServer")){
            String geo = field.getClassName().toLowerCase();
            if (!geo.equals("geometry") && !geo.equals("geography")){
                geo = null;

                try (Recordset rs = new Recordset()) {
                            "WHERE TABLE_NAME='" + field.getTableName() + "' AND COLUMN_NAME='" + field.getName() + "'",
                    geo = rs.getValue(0).toString();
                catch(SQLException e){

                if (geo==null) geo = "geometry";
                else geo = geo.toLowerCase();
            return geo + "::STGeomFromText"; //geometry vs geography
        else if (driver.equals("DB2")){
            return "db2GSE.ST_GeomFromText";

        return "ST_GeomFromText"; //PostgreSQL

  //** setBatchSize
  /** Used to set the number of records to insert or update in a batch. By
   *  default, this value is set to 1 so that records are inserted/updated one
   *  at a time. By setting a larger number, more records are inserted at a
   *  time which can significantly improve performance.
    public void setBatchSize(int batchSize){
        if (batchSize>0) this.batchSize = batchSize;

  //** getBatchSize
  /** Returns the number of records that will be inserted or updated in a
   *  batch. By default, this value is set to 1 so that records are inserted/
   *  updated one at a time.
    public int getBatchSize(){
        return batchSize;

  //** setUpdateKeys
  /** Used to identify unique fields in a table for updates. Typically, this
   *  is the primary key(s) or a column with a unique constraint. In most
   *  cases, you do not need to call this method when updating records.
   *  Instead, an attempt is made to find the primary keys for the table using
   *  recordset metadata. However, this lookup may slow things down a bit and
   *  doesn't work on tables that don't have a primary key.
   *  @param keys List of column names (String) or javaxt.sql.Field
    public void setUpdateKeys(Object...keys){
        for (Object key : keys){
            if (key instanceof String){
                if (isOpen()){
                    this.keys.add(getField((String) key));
            else if (key instanceof Field){
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported key type: " + key.getClass());

  //** setUpdateKey
  /** Used to identify a unique field in a table for updates. Typically, this
   *  is the primary key or a column with a unique constraint. Please see
   *  setUpdateKeys() for more information.
   *  @param key Column name (String) or javaxt.sql.Field
    public void setUpdateKey(Object key){

  //** executeBatch
  /** Returns the total number of rows that were updated.
    private int executeBatch() throws SQLException {
        if (batchedStatements==null) return 0;
        int ttl = 0;

            java.util.Iterator<String> it = batchedStatements.keySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()){
                try (java.sql.PreparedStatement stmt = batchedStatements.get({

                    int[] rowsUpdated = stmt.executeBatch();
                    if (rowsUpdated.length>0) ttl+=rowsUpdated.length;

                    java.sql.Connection Conn = connection.getConnection();
                    if (Conn.getAutoCommit()==false){


        catch(Exception e){
            throw e;
        finally {
            java.util.Iterator<String> it = batchedStatements.keySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()){
                try{ batchedStatements.get(;}
                catch(Exception e){}
            numBatches = 0;

        return ttl;

  //** getGeneratedKey
  /** Returns an auto-generated key created after inserting a record in the
   *  database. If this Statement object did not generate any keys, an empty
   *  Value object is returned.
    public Value getGeneratedKey(){
        return GeneratedKey;

  //** getRecord
  /** Returns field names and values as a javaxt.sql.Record
    public javaxt.sql.Record getRecord(){
        return record;

  //** getFields
  /** Used to retrieve the an array of fields in the current record.
    public Field[] getFields(){
        if (record==null) return new Field[0];
        return record.getFields();

  //** getField
  /** Returns a specific field in the array of fields. Returns null if the
   *  field name is not found.
    public Field getField(String FieldName){
        if (record==null) return null;
        return record.getField(FieldName);

  //** getField
  /** Returns a specific field in the array of fields. Returns null if the
   *  index is out of range.
    public Field getField(int i){
        if (record==null) return null;
        return record.getField(i);

  //** getValue
  /** Returns the Value associated with a given field. Note the if the field
   *  doesn't exist in the result set, the method will return still return a
   *  Value. You can use the isNull() method on the Value to determine whether
   *  the value is null.
    public Value getValue(String FieldName){
        if (record==null) return new Value(null);
        return record.get(FieldName);

  //** getValue
  /** Returns the Value associated with a given field. Note the if the field
   *  doesn't exist in the result set, the method will return still return a
   *  Value. You can use the isNull() method on the Value to determine whether
   *  the value is null.
    public Value getValue(int i){
        if (record==null) return new Value(null);
        return record.get(i);

  //** isDirty
  /** Returns true if any of the fields have been modified. You can find which
   *  field has been modified using the Field.isDirty() method. Example:
    if (rs.isDirty()){
        for (javaxt.sql.Field field : rs.getFields()){
            if (field.isDirty()){
                String val = field.getValue().toString();
                System.out.println(field.getName() + ": " + val);
    public boolean isDirty(){
        if (record==null) return false;
        return record.isDirty();

  //** SetValue
    public void setValue(String FieldName, Value FieldValue){
        if (record==null) return;
        if (State==1){
            record.set(FieldName, FieldValue);

  //** SetValue
  /** Set Value with an Object value.
    public void setValue(String FieldName, Object FieldValue){
        setValue(FieldName, new Value(FieldValue));

  //** SetValue
  /**  Set Value with a Boolean value
    public void setValue(String FieldName, boolean FieldValue){
        setValue(FieldName, new Value(FieldValue));

  //** SetValue
  /**  Set Value with a Long value
    public void setValue(String FieldName, long FieldValue){
        setValue(FieldName, new Value(FieldValue));

  //** SetValue
  /**  Set Value with an Integer value
    public void setValue(String FieldName, int FieldValue){
        setValue(FieldName, new Value(FieldValue));

  //** SetValue
  /**  Set Value with a Double value
    public void setValue(String FieldName, double FieldValue){
        setValue(FieldName, new Value(FieldValue));

  //** SetValue
  /**  Set Value with a Short value
    public void setValue(String FieldName, short FieldValue){
        setValue(FieldName, new Value(FieldValue));

  //** hasNext
  /** Returns true if the recordset has more records.
    public boolean hasNext(){
        return !EOF;

  //** next
  /** Used to move the cursor to the next record in the recordset. This method
   *  is used to scroll through records like this:
   <pre>, conn);
    while ({

      //Do something with the record. Example:
   *  This pattern is an alternative to the hasNext/moveNext flow.
    public boolean next(){
        if (x==0 && n==1) return true;
        return moveNext();

  //** moveNext
  /** Used to move the cursor to the next record in the recordset. This method
   *  is used along with the hasNext() method to scroll through records like
   *  this:
   <pre>, conn);
    while (rs.hasNext()){

      //Do something with the record

      //Move the cursor to the next record
   *  This pattern is an alternative to the flow described in the next() method.
    public boolean moveNext(){

        if (EOF == true) return false;

        if (maxRecords!=null){
            if (x>=maxRecords-1) {
                EOF = true;
                return false;

            if ({
                return true;
                EOF = true;
                return false;
        catch(Exception e){
            EOF = true;
            return false;
            //System.out.println("ERROR MoveNext: " + e.toString());

        //return false;

  //** Move
  /**  Moves the cursor to n-number of rows in the database. Typically this
   *   method is called before iterating through a recordset.
    public void move(int numRecords){

        boolean tryAgain = false;

        //Scroll to record using the standard absolute() method
        //Does NOT work with rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursors

        catch(Exception e){
            tryAgain = true;
            //System.err.println("ERROR Move: " + e.toString());

        //Scroll to record using an iterator
        //Workaround for rs.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY cursors

            if (tryAgain){
                int rowPosition = rs.getRow();
                while ( rs.getRow() < (numRecords+rowPosition)){
                    if ({
                        EOF = true;
        catch(Exception e){}

      //Update record


  //** updateFields
  /** Used to populate the Table and Schema attributes for each Field in the
   *  Fields Array.
   *  @param tableIsRequired If true, will try to populate the fields with a
   *  javaxt.sql.Table property
    private void updateFields(boolean tableIsRequired) throws SQLException {

        if (record==null) return;

     //Check whether any of the fields are missing table or schema information
        boolean updateFields = false;
        for (Field field : record.fields){

          //Check the field name. If it's missing, then the field is probably
          //derived from a function. In some cases, it may be trivial to find
          //the column name (e.g. COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, etc). In other cases,
          //it is not so simple (e.g. "SELECT (FIRSTNAME || ' ' || LASTNAME)").
          //In any event, this function cannot currently find table or schema
          //for a field without a name.
            String fieldName = field.getName();
            if (fieldName==null) continue;

            if (field.getTableName()==null){
                updateFields = true;

            if (field.getSchema()==null){
                updateFields = true;

            if (field.getT()==null && tableIsRequired){
                updateFields = true;
        if (!updateFields) return;

      //Parse SQL and get selected tables
        ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> selectedTables = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String selectedTable : new Parser(sqlString).getTables()){

            String tableName;
            String schemaName;
            int idx = selectedTable.indexOf(".");
            if (idx>-1){
                tableName = selectedTable.substring(idx+1);
                schemaName = selectedTable.substring(0, idx);
                tableName = selectedTable;
                schemaName = null;

            HashMap<String, String> props = new HashMap<>();
            props.put("selectedTable", selectedTable);
            props.put("tableName", tableName);
            props.put("schemaName", schemaName);

      //If there's only one selected table and the table name and schema name
      //are both available, update the fields and exit
        if (selectedTables.size()==1){
            HashMap<String, String> props = selectedTables.get(0);
            String tableName = props.get("tableName");
            String schemaName = props.get("schemaName");
            if (tableName!=null && schemaName!=null){
                for (Field field : record.fields){
                    if (field.getTableName()==null){
                    if (field.getSchema()==null){
                if (!tableIsRequired) return;

      //If we're still here, get list of tables from the database
        if (Tables==null){
            //long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Database database = connection.getDatabase();
            if (database==null){
                Tables = Database.getTables(connection);
                Tables = database.getTables();
            //System.out.println("Table lookup in " + (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime) + "ms");

      //Match selectedTables to tables found in the database. Note that there
      //may be multiple tables with the same name found in different schemas.
        ArrayList<Table> tables = new ArrayList<>();
        for (HashMap<String, String> props : selectedTables){
            //String selectedTable = props.get("selectedTable");
            String tableName = props.get("tableName");
            String schemaName = props.get("schemaName");

            for (Table table : Tables){
                if (tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(table.getName())){

                    if (schemaName==null){
                        if (schemaName.equalsIgnoreCase(table.getSchema())){

      //Iterate through all the fields and update the Table and Schema attributes
        for (Field field : record.fields){

            ArrayList<Column> columns = null;
            if (field.getTableName()==null || (field.getT()==null && tableIsRequired)){

              //Update Table and Schema
                columns = getColumns(field, tables);
                if (columns!=null){
                    if (columns.size()==1){
                        Column column = columns.get(0);

            if (field.getSchema()==null || (field.getT()==null && tableIsRequired)) {

              //Update Schema
                ArrayList<Table> matches = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Table table : tables){
                    if (table.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(field.getTableName())){

                if (matches.size()==1){
                    Table table = matches.get(0);
                    if (columns==null) columns = getColumns(field, tables);
                    if (columns!=null){
                        if (columns.size()==1){
                            Column column = columns.get(0);


  //** getColumns
  /** Used to find columns in the database that corresponds to a given field.
    private ArrayList<Column> getColumns(Field field, ArrayList<Table> tables){

        ArrayList<Column> matches = new ArrayList<>();

        for (Table table : tables){
            for (Column column : table.getColumns()){
                if (column.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(field.getName())){

        if (matches.isEmpty()) return null;
        if (matches.size()==1) return matches;
        if (matches.size()>1){

            ArrayList<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Column column : matches){
                if (column.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(field.getType())){

            if (columns.isEmpty()) return null;
            else return columns;
        return null;

  //** getRecordCount
  /** Used to retrieve the total record count. Note that this method may be
   *  slow.
    public long getRecordCount(){

            int currRow = rs.getRow(); rs.last(); int size = rs.getRow();
            rs.absolute(currRow); // go back to the old row
            return size;
        catch(Exception e){

            Long numRecords = null;

            String sql = new Parser(sqlString).setSelect("count(*)");

            try (Recordset rs = new Recordset()) {
      , connection);
                numRecords = rs.getValue(0).toLong();
            catch(SQLException ex){

            if (numRecords!=null) return numRecords;
            else return -1L;

//  //**************************************************************************
//  //** Finalize
//  //**************************************************************************
//  /** Method *should* be called by Java garbage collector once this class is
//   *  disposed.
//   */
//    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
//       close();
//       super.finalize();
//    }