Authenticator Interface

package javaxt.http.servlet;

//**  Authenticator Interface
 *   Implementations of this class are used to parse credentials and
 *   authenticate client requests. Implementations of this class are typically
 *   instantiated within a servlet constructor and assigned to the servlet via
 *   the setAuthenticator() method. Once an Authenticator is defined, several
 *   security-related methods will be available via the HttpServletRequest
 *   object (e.g. getCredentials(), getUserPrincipal(), authenticate(), etc).

public interface Authenticator {

  /** String identifier for "BASIC" authentication. */
    public static final String BASIC_AUTH = "BASIC";

  /** String identifier for "FORM" authentication. */
    public static final String FORM_AUTH = "FORM";

  /** String identifier for Client Certificate authentication.*/
    public static final String CLIENT_CERT_AUTH = "CLIENT_CERT";

  /** String identifier for "DIGEST" authentication. */
    public static final String DIGEST_AUTH = "DIGEST";

  //** newInstance
  /** Returns a new instance of an Authenticator used to authenticate requests.
   *  This method is called with each new http request.
    public Authenticator newInstance(HttpServletRequest request);

  //** getCredentials
  /** Returns an array representing the client credentials associated with
   *  this request. The first element in the array represents the username
   *  and the second element represents the password. Client credentials may
   *  be found in the "Authorization" request header, in a client certificate,
   *  etc. Implementations of this class must communicate the authentication
   *  scheme via the getAuthType() method. If the Authenticator fails to parse
   *  the credentials, this method returns a null.
    public String[] getCredentials();

  //** authenticate
  /** Used to authenticate a client request. If the Authenticator fails to
   *  authenticate the client, this method throws a ServletException.
    public void authenticate() throws ServletException;

  //** getUserPrincipal
  /** Returns a object containing the name of a given
   *  user. If the user has not been authenticated, the method returns a null.
    public getPrinciple();

  //** isUserInRole
  /** Returns a boolean indicating whether a user is included in the specified
   *  "role". Roles and role membership are often managed by instances of this
   *  class using deployment descriptors. If the user is not authenticated, or
   *  if no role is defined for the user, the method returns false.
    public boolean isUserInRole(String role);

  //** getAuthType
  /** Returns the authentication scheme used to authenticate clients (e.g.
   *  "BASIC", "DIGEST", "CLIENT_CERT", etc).
    public String getAuthType();
